Welcome, Detective!

Welcome, detective!

We've updated the Itch page with much more information about You Are The Detectives. This Itch page is going to be the centre of our whole operation here at Fairly Sad Productions as we get this g ame made and shipped.

So what have we been up to since the Spookality contest? Well, for that you can take a look at our Twitter, which for the time being is the personal account of FairlySadPanda, our lead dev (we'll be getting a separate Twitter account up soon, once it makes sense to do so).

Take a look at these videos from our Twitter for some progress on our core systems tech! This Udon-powered technology is right at the core of how Detectives will work, and is built from all the kind feedback we've received since the demo's release (thank you to everyone for being so honest!)

As a reminder, our current Twitter is at www.twitter.com/fairlysadpanda

With all this core technology work behind us, this post-Christmas period is going to feature us rigging up the Role system and getting the core game manager running. And once all this code is out of the way, we're on to the big design phase - concept art, narrative design and puzzle design. Hopefully we'll be able to post a lot about it here!

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